Tuesday, May 31, 2005

New York Times says 'Kodak, Don't Take My Kodachrome'

Today the New York Times published a piece about how hard many film artists are taking Kodak's decision to discontinue THE WORLD'S GREATEST SUPER-8 FILM STOCK.

Kodachrome was the film of choice for avant-garde filmmakers like Kenneth Anger
and Jonas Mekas, who were renowned in the film world though largely unknown outside it. A much larger population has most likely seen the film's fine-grain quality
and lurid pigments in the form of old home movies. Indeed, the most famous image
caught on Kodachrome film was the assassination of President John F. Kennedy,
caught by Abraham Zapruder, a Dallas dressmaker who happened to be wielding an
8-millimeter camera that day.

People keep failing to mention that there is a place in the United States (the beloved Dwayne's in Parsons, Kansad) that SPECIALIZES in processing the film stock. Their prices are reasonable, their turnaround is amazing and they can overnight your film. This whole sending your Kodachrome to Switzerland thing is a MYTH, a myth I tell you. Why Snopes hasn't gotten on this I do not know.

Here's Dwayne's annoucement:

Kodachrome Super 8 Film Discontinued
On May 9th Kodak announced the
discontinuance of Kodachrome Super 8 Film.
We will continue offering
processing for all types of Kodachrome film INCLUDING Super 8 film. As long as
Kodachrome film remains available in 35mm and 16mm formats, we intend to offer
processing for ALL formatsof Kodachrome film.
We will also offer processing
for the new Kodak 64TSuper 8 film, when it becomes available.

Dwayne's, The Only Processor of Kodachrome Motion Picture Film in the
United States.

I love you, Kodachrome and I love you Dwayne's!


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