Monday, February 14, 2005

Are you there, Clarissa? It's me, Erin...

The Guardian reports that the Oscars this year will be an exercise of I'm Okay, You're Okay... but with less of that fucking obnoxious soapboxing.

A "wardrobe malfunction" during a half-time performance by Janet Jackson led to the singer's breast "popping out" of her costume during last year's Superbowl performance; worried by the precedent, and by the traditions of actors making quasi-political statements as part of their acceptance speeches, ABC made the Academy agree to a seven-second delay in its "live" broadcast. A new deal giving ABC rights to broadcast the event until 2014 did not stipulate the delay, though the broadcaster remains free to use one if it wishes.

Is it just me or is the "wardrobe malfunction" becoming the new "...then the terrorists win!!" in terms of excusing stupid, self-aggrandizing behavior? Michael Powell resigned, you jerk-asses. Political speech (though grating) is no longer a federal offense! I know just what these suckers need...

Nickelodeon launches 'Rewind Collection' with 1st Season of Clarissa Explains it All

Call me Clarissa!

Anyone who doesn't remember her pre-Bridezilla please get thee to a video store and witness Melissa Joan Hart channeling the 'tween girl version of Larry David in stylin' early 90's couture.


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